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Susan Fox

Funny thing, that Steeleye Span song has been going through my mind lately. Wanna bet some intrepid folkies or filkers take a stab at writing a ballad of Fawn and the Malice?

Music in literature, si ja da! That is the one thing I missed in the filmed versions and most of the "audio book" versions of Tolkien. The characters were singing ALL THE DARNED TIME in the books but not the performed versions. Boo. Possibly there were music registration issues, ASCAP or whatever? But I would truly love to see this remedied in a true Audio Book, not just read-aloud version of THE SHARING KNIFE.

Sherry German

I pictured square dance type music and ballads like "The old 97", something like that. I really enjoyed the farm community type wedding. It was sooo much like every country wedding I went to growing up. The farm cooking was very familiar with the canning and the pickles. And of course horses. What would a Bujold book be without a horse or two.

Archangel Beth

Oooo, October Project! I have several of those... I must go looking for the others that were mentioned, now! (And, if I may be bold, those who like October Project may want to try Vienna Teng and possibly Suzanne Vega's "Songs in Red and Gray" album. Vega's other stuff is usually a bit harsher in feel than that one.)

Andrew Lambdin-Abraham

I'm really quite curious to know WHICH subplot and WHICH character were inspired by King Henry. Of course, I really get creeped out by that song myself, but I suppose guys are supposed to. On the other hand, I absolutely an possessed by their "Sir James the Rose". Which is probably at least a gruesome, but in a way I'm much more comfortable with.

Lois Bujold

To answer Andrew's question: Taura, in "Labyrinth", of course.

You may now knock your forehead three times briskly on your desk...

Ta, L.

Tom Vinson

I'm glad to see Dave Carter's songs (and voice) living on. "One foot in ice, one in fire" is spot on for Fawn -- nothing lukewarm about her. I have a feeling Legacy is going to be even more "interesting". Thank you for the opportunity to practice patience.


Much, *much* love for The Sharing Knife!!!

I've read it once for the characters, whom I found so appealing that I couldn't put the book down! Dag and Fawn, that is; the malices were very scary, and I look forward to learning more about them this summer. Ditto further to the Lakewalkers' backstory, and ...on, and so forth. Just a true delight to read.

Shortly, I will be rereading for another, closer look at the words. Although I would have had to be totally stupid not to have adored the line about good intentions.

Thank you, Lois, for yet another world to step into, where we want to be.

Mary Holland

Pure serendipity, but I was reading Beguilement and heard the new version of Sting's Fields of Gold, which he performs on lute. So now that song for me is Fawn and Dag.

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