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I like how Vicki Pettersson's books make an appearance in the bottom righthand corner. LOL


May not have been happy with the ending of For A Few Demons More but I am Still happy with the author. ;) Looking forward to seeing her at the Dayton, Ohio signing. Kim if you read this let me know and I'll bring you some chili from Skyline and some ice cream from graters. lol.


Patrick = Lucky lucky man. ;-)


Finished For A Few Demons More late last night. I've had a love of reading all my life. I have enough books of my own to open a book store. Of every book I've ever read, I have to say, this is the first fictional story to make me shed a tear. Well done, Ms. Harrison, very well done.


If Patrick's a rose, what's that make the rest of the staff, dare I ask? ;)

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