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John(Grasping for the Wind)

Well, you asked our thoughts

Here's mine:




I have just finished your novel, and am just astounded, especially after reading more about you as an author. It's as if someone stole the words from my mouth as far as interests and what I would want to see in a book.

I have just finished my senior thesis on Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper, and am returning to London to complete a novel on the two characters. I am also an avid Dr. Who, Neil Gaiman, and Alan Moore fan, and definitely saw those influences in your work (especially in the character of Cribb echoing Doctor Who).

I would absolutely love to meet with you when I'm in London or talk through e-mail about your influences, being a young writer dealing with the subject of Victorian London, maybe even get an interview for the Sherlock Holmes section of my book.

If you get this, please e-mail me at [email protected]. I would love to talk!

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