Okay, so I grew up in the '80s and obviously love books, but even without that, this is classic. Children's editor Cheryl Klein has rewritten the immortal lyrics of Sir Mix-a-Lot's 'Baby Got Back,' for books. Totally made my afternoon (and it's not like I needed that tea anyway).
"[Female voice]
Oh, my, god. Becky, look at her book. It is so big. *scoff* She looks like, one of those, librarians' girlfriends. But, you know, who understands those librarians? *scoff* They only talk to her, because, she looks like a total bibliovore, 'kay? I mean, her book, is just so big. *scoff* I can't believe it's just so thick. It's like, out there. I mean - gross. Look! She's just so ... smart!"
Check it out here.
-- Diana