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Is this offer open to anyone, or just people in the US?
I'm in the UK.

US, only -- sorry about that!


I guess that means it's coming out soon which is super news :)

Scott Marlowe

Confirmation email received. Looking forward to jumping into this series and posting reviews!


I never get confirmation emails... am I emailing the right address? Giving the right info out in my email to you guys?

I email [email protected] and only include my address.

Gina Teh

It is sad that all these great opportunities are limited to US only. I am in Singapore! :(

Doug Weinfield


If there are any ARCs of The Sharing Knife: Horizon still available, I'd _love_ to provide comments for your blog--this series is one of the most insightful and moving I've ever read.

Best regards,

Doug Weinfield

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