Okay, Kate here, with thoughts and brilliant insights about last week's episode of BSG. I forgot how DARK this show is! Just so you know me a little better, here are my favorite moments, from all past seasons, not in numerical order:
1) Starbuck/Apollo with that pyramid ball when she gets back from Caprica with the Arrow of Apollo and starts wearing her hair in that cute little ponytail. You know what I'm talking about: No takebacks!
2) Adama giving Apollo the keys to the Pegasus, intense Titanic-sounding Irish music in background. Seriously, I got teary.
3) Adama giving Roslin a tiny little smooch midway through Season Two, before she gets miraculously cured by Hera's spinal fluid or whatever
4) Discovering that Anders was one of the Final Five, because I really thought he would be; and discovering that Chief was, because I didn't
5) Starbuck's coming back from the dead. I screamed.
6) When Adama rescued the refugees from New Caprica. And shaved off his moustache. Oh, and corollary: when Lee got skinny again.
Here's my least favorite moment:
1) When Billy got dumped by Dualla, caught her going on a date with Apollo, and then DIED.
As you can see, I like the happy moments. Don't get me wrong -- I wouldn't trade the intensity of these final episodes for anything, and I think the first few episodes of season three, when everyone is a sad, pathetic mess on New Caprica, are some of the most powerful the show's ever done. BUT I am a big sucker for the moments of hope and faith and personal connection (however few and far between they may be). Sadly, there weren't too many last week, were there?
SPOILERS AHEAD. Don't click through if you haven't yet watched last Friday's episode.