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The Dragon Jouster series by Mercedes Lackey and the Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey are my two favorite dragon series. I'll add this new series to my to-be-read list. Maybe it will turn into a new favorite.

Rashmi @ A Book Blogger's Diary

The Temeraire series by Naomi Novik's my favorite!

abookblogger at gmail dot com


Has to be Halfblood Chronicles by Norton and Lackey, Song in the Silence by Kerner, and Kiss of Fire books by Deborah Cooke. They all are soooo good.


The Enchanted Forest Chronicles are my favorite! I also love Eragon- not so much the last two books in the series.


Margaret Fisk

Anne McCaffrey's Pern is probably the most memorable because they're more than just mystical beasts. On the other end of the spectrum, I like Donita K. Paul's dragons in DragonKeeper Chronicles.

I've enjoyed Robin Hobb's other books, and look forward to her take on dragons.


Patricia Wrede's Enchanted Forest series is my absolute fave too!


I also like the Halfblood Chronicles by Norton and Lackey. I have read every Pern book as well as Mercedes Lackey's Dragon Jousters. Also, of course, the Temeraire books. I like each one for different reasons and am always looking for a new slant on the old myth.

Pam S-J

Thanks, everyone! So many great dragon tales! We'll wait to see if some more comments come thru, and pick a recipient of our DRAGON KEEPER galley tomorrow!

Karen in TN

I'd have to go with Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series.

Sara C

Love love love The Enchanted Forest. Also I have fond memories of of Joanne Bertin's The Last Dragonlord, Dragon's Milk by Susan Fletcher, and the dragons in Michelle Sagara's Chronicles of Elantra.

Julie Kazimer

Enchanted Forest wins tails down. Humor and dragons, who can resist?


Barbara Hambly's "Dragonsbane" (Morkeleb the Black) would have to be my favorite, although I confess to a fondness for both Smaug (The Hobbit) and Ursula Le Guin's Kalessin (Earthsea books). You've mentioned Helen Lowe's Thornspell a few times on this blog and Balisan the Red is also up there.

Tracey O'Hara

Definately the DRAGON RIDER'S OF PERN for me. Anne McCaffery's world was the most exciting I read in a long tome and I still re-read them when I get a chance.

Pam S-J

Thank you, everyone! Looks like I'm not alone in my dragon-mania...


Put me down for the Dragon Riders of Pern too. It's the first series that popped into my head when I saw this question. :)

J. D.

Another vote for Dragonsbane! It was one of the first fantasy books I read as a freshman in Highschool.


Dragon Riders of Pern here too. Wonderfully written, great imagery!!


Hey, when will we know who won the arc of Dragon Keeper?

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