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I'd love a chance to win!

Susan Meek

I'd really like to win this book; my local library does not seem to carry it. I'd like to read it and then share with friends.


This book sounds 100 times better than that Pride & Prejudice & Zombies story. I'd love to read it!


I really would love to read this book - winning it would make it sweeter.

Virginia Hendricks

this sounds really interesting! :) I'd love to be able to read it!

Teresa W.

I'd like to be included!


This sounds cool! I just finished Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and this sounds like a great follow-up.

Julie Kazimer

Love a good mash up.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Paul E

Looks interesting!

Angelle Marcs

Would love to read and review this

susan beamon

Queen Victoria as a Slayer. That would be interesting and a little fast and loose with reality (which is overrated anyway). And I'd love to have a copy of the book.


I am certainly amused by the concept.

rss dotson

Queen Victoria as a Slayer. That would be interesting and a little fast and loose with reality (which is overrated anyway). And I'd love to have a copy of the book.


Russ dotson


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