An oldie but goodie that just came to our attention:
(Description from the link:
Lord of the Rings is more or less the foundation of modern D&D. The latter rose from the former, although the two are now so estranged that to reunite them would be an act of savage madness. Imagine a gaggle of modern hack-n-slash roleplayers who had somehow never been exposed to the original Tolkien mythos, and then imagine taking those players and trying to introduce them to Tolkien via a D&D campaign.)
"Insipid mortals! Can't you stay in character for like, five minutes?"
Classic. ;^) Thanks for the link.
Posted by: Ruffin | February 05, 2010 at 06:06 PM
When DM of the Rings finished, the fans said, "You have to do Star Wars". Shamus was doing other things, so 'The Comic Irregulars' took up the challenge instead. They're now well into the second movie. And I've got to say they give the best explanation for Jar Jar I've ever heard.
Posted by: Stephen | February 06, 2010 at 08:12 PM
Love it!
Posted by: Andrew | February 08, 2010 at 01:53 AM