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Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

Just wanted to wish Sara the best of luck with this book. It sounds like an amazing read. I'm going to have to add it to the list to get here in the future.


I bought this book because of the sneak peek link I received via the Eos e-newsletter, and only after reading the first 3 chapters. Let me tell you -- if I'd seen the book first at the bookstore, I would NOT have bought it. The cover art is that awful! Yes, I do judge some books by their covers; particularly new authors, and when something is marketed as character driven scifi or fantasy. This cover with the apparently subservient kneeling woman hanging on to the legs of some gun-toting muscleman would have turned me away from picking up what is actually appearing to be an intriguing scifi story (so far); and maybe not another one of those ridiculous erotic romance novels with "the angry kick-ass heroine and her hunky bad-guy sidekick who is really her soul-mate" masquerading as well-written character-driven scifi (granted, I'm only about a quarter of the way through so I may yet be disappointed...but I hope not). In any case, I really hope that your art and marketing departments go in a different direction with the next book cover illustration for Sara Creasy! I'm already looking forward to reading her next effort...as long as it's not a romance novel! :)

Jordan 1

One song can spark a moment. That sure is a beautiful song.

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