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Michelle Santiago

i read YA so i have seen the gone novels around and i've always been intrigued but i haven't really checked them out. like i said in the other blog, this crossover was a great idea. now i have two author recs (michael grant and jocelynn drake). thanks!


This crossover is the best thing I've come across is awhile! I read many different genres including romance and YA. I am a fan of Joss Ware and saw that she was on inkpop today which then led me here. I haven't read the Gone series, but this definitely peaked my interest.

Jacqueline C.

I've heard good things about both Michael Grant and Jocelynn Drake's series and they are both on my wishlist but I haven't heard much about Joss Ware before.

Christy H.

I just came over from avon ~ what a fun idea (crossover).

I'd love to be entered into a drawing for a chance to receive a free copy of GONE, Joss Ware’s ABANDON THE NIGHT, and Jocelynn Drake's NIGHTWALKER!


I've just started reading YA, and this series sounds really interesting. There are a lot of great YA books being released lately.


@Jacqueline~ Joss Ware recently wrote a series called the Envy Chronicles set 50 yrs after the apocalypse. Very cool series with 3 already released and more to come :) Check her out on inkpop today I promise you won't be disappointed.


I've been picking up more YA stuff to read so new writers are always good to find out about

Donna S

This is great. Thanks! I have been wanting to read Michael Grants books for a while. They sound really good.


Awesome ! I've always been wanting to read Gone. I have to wait till my friend is finished with it though !


This is totally awesome! Enter me in the contest, please :)

Heather (DarklyReading)

This sounds like a great book! I'm curious how some authors end up as pantsers and some are planners.. they both end up making awesome books ;)


I really love learning about other authors through this cross over event! I enjoyed learning more about each of the other authors & their books. Thanks also at the chance of winning the books.


im interested in how ya'll did the cross, alot of blogs should do that, heard of authors i whavnt heard of

Brandy Blake

I love to read YA as well as adult books, I am glad to be able to add new authors to my list!!!


Good interview. Makes me want to read the Gone series.

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