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Looking forward to reading Heir!

Pamela Palmer

Helen, The Heir of Night sounds fabulous. Can't wait until it hits shelves!

Leah Cypess

I'm really looking forward to this book! And congratulations on the Robin Hobb blurb - that's made of awesome.


Awesome is the word...

I ahve already seen one of the ARE's and I can tell you that you will not be disappointed!

Helen Lowe

Thank you all for your support--I, too, can't wait until Heir is on the shelves.

Tracey O'Hara

FANTASTIC and high five from a fellow downunder Eos Author. I am so excited to see Heir come to life and that cover is fantastic.

Go Helen.


Thornspell was a charm - I just couldn't stop reading until I reached the last page - looking forward to your next book!


I look forward to reading your books, I have hear a lot about them. Glad you have had such success.

Jenny Schwartzberg

Sounds intriguing! I'll have to check both books out.

Joseph Lira

This book sound interesting, thanks for sharing about it, sometimes it is hard to know what books to read next, your blog is a good resource for knowing where to go, I will link to it and tell my sister about it, thanks for sharing.


Can't wait for Heir of Night to be published. Love the cover.


Very attractive cover page. Eagerly waiting for the book to be released.

Helen Lowe

Thank you again for all your enthusiasm and support for the release of "The Heir of Night" in October, and also for "Thornspell." In addition to posting here again in future, and also on my own site, http://helenlowe.info/blog/, I'll also be posting on the Supernatural Underground blog(http://www.supernaturalunderground.blogspot.com/) on the first of every month on subjects related to writing speculative fiction. So do come on over and visit some more.


Better late than never? Congratulations Helen....

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