If, like us, you've been caught a bit unawares and are franctically spending the weekend Xmas shopping, here are a few last-minute gift ideas (hint, they're all books).
First, don't miss our holiday giveway on Facebook! We're giving away a number of books--comment for your chance to win!
Plus here are a few of our favorite new books this year:
Brom's fabulous dark, fractured retelling of Peter Pan, THE CHILD THIEF, is now out in both trade paperback and audio. With gorgeous black and white chapter illustrations and 8 pages of color portraits, it's great for anyone who likes Gregory Maguire, goth and the supernatural, or just a wonderfully dark fairy tale.
Hate the holidays and want to ditch the family quarrels, stupid regifts, and incessant carols? Richard Kadrey's SANDMAN SLIM and KILL THE DEAD are the books for you! Sarcastic, violent, and hysterically funny, these adventures of murdered magician-turned-hitman James Stark are perfect for anyone who likes noir fiction, scotch, Jim Butcher, Clint Eastwood, urban fantasy, or just a really funny story.
Prefer epic fantasy, and tales of high adventure and flashing swords? Check out Robin Hobb's fantasy dragon novels, DRAGON KEEPER and DRAGON HAVEN. Plus all-new tales of sword and sorcery from the masters, SWORDS AND DARK MAGIC, edited by Jonathan Strahan and Lou Anders, and stories from Joe Abercrombie to Gene Wolfe, including a new Elric novella by Michael Moorcock.
Love urban and paranormal fantasy? We've got some of the best authors around, including Kim Harrison, Vicki Pettersson, Mario Acevedo, Jocelynn Drake, Tracey O'hara, and more. Plus Avon paranormal authors like Jeaniene Frost, Marjorie M. Liu, C. L. Wilson, Lynsay Sands, and more. Check out the Supernatural Underground .
Or rediscover the classics with our omnibi of Roger Zelazny's beloved Amber novels, THE GREAT BOOK OF AMBER, or Mary Stewart's beloved MERLIN TRILOGY. Or Zelazny's classic LORD OF LIGHT or CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS, or Walter M. Miller's A CANTICLE FOR LEIBOWITZ.
Happy Holidays and All Best Wishes for the New Year, from all of us!